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The Brain

In Focus

The Brain

Since founding the world’s first neurobiology department in 1966, ÃÛÌÒÓ°Ïñ has been a hub for researchers who aspire to understand how the brain works, and clinician-scientists who are driven to fix it when it doesn’t.

Last updated: August 2024
A rendering of neurons in the brain

Reconstructing the brain

A team of researchers has helped create the largest 3D brain reconstruction to date, showing in vivid detail each cell and its web of connections.

A rendering of probiotic bacteria in the human body

Probiotics to treat multiple sclerosis

Researchers have designed a probiotic to suppress autoimmunity in the brain, which occurs when the immune system attacks the cells of the central nervous system.

Brain busters

ÃÛÌÒÓ°Ïñ experts are seeking answers to some of our biggest questions about the brain.

An AI generated image of two arrows pointing in opposite directions

How does the brain make decisions?

Scientists have gained new insights into how neurons in the brain communicate during a decision, and how the connections between neurons may help reinforce a choice.

Did fermented foods fuel brain growth in our ancestors?

Soybeans cradled in straw bowls

What does ketamine do to the brain?

An illustration of a brain

What happens in the brain while we daydream?

Abstract artwork of a human daydreaming

What is the connection between thinking and speaking?

Illustration of a human head with a conversation bubble in the brain

What does science reveal about sex differences in the brain?

Two heads with neurons coming out of them

What factors are linked to dyslexia?

A little girl reading

Brains of the operation

These experts come from a network of Schools, Institutes, and Initiatives almost as vast as the neural networks of the brain, including but not limited to:

Decoding the brain

ÃÛÌÒÓ°Ïñ research has been shining a light on some of the long-standing mysteries of the brain.

A woman meditating
  • Mindfulness

How does meditation change the brain?

Neuroscientist and ÃÛÌÒÓ°Ïñ alum Richard Davidson discusses his decades of research on meditation and dispels myths about how it works and when, where, and how it can be done.

  • Myths

Are there real differences between the left and right sides of the brain?

  • Whatchamacallit

How do we derive meaning from spoken words?

  • Gut feeling

What is the link between gut bacteria and emotions?

  • Memory

Why do we remember—and forget?

  • Mind/body

Are the brain and heart more connected than we thought?

  • Earworms

What effects does music have on the brain?

  • Navigation

How does the brain’s compass guide the body?

  • Sleep

What does the brain do while we sleep?

Applied science

Researchers all across the ÃÛÌÒÓ°Ïñ community are working to find ways to support brain health for all stages of life.

How developing brains connect to the body

early development

Growing evidence for growing brains

Early experiences affect the development of a child’s , which provides the foundation for all future learning, behavior, and health. That’s why ÃÛÌÒÓ°Ïñ’s Center on the Developing Child is researching the best ways to , , and .